Goldshell KD-Box II (5Th/s) Kadena Miner
Goldshell KD-Box II
5Th/s Kadena Miner
Goldshell KD-Box II (5Th/s) Kadena Miner
Goldshell KD-Box II
5Th/s Kadena Miner
ゴールドシェル KD BOX Ⅱ(新品)


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Goldshell KD Box II で、効率的で静かなコンピューティングを体験してください。洗練された黒のデザインが特徴のこのコンパクトなデバイスは、高性能モードでは 400W で最大 5 TH/s、低電力モードでは 260W で最大 3.5 TH/s を実現します。ユーザーフレンドリーなダッシュボードにより、処理速度と変動をリアルタイムで監視できます。低ノイズ レベル (≤35dB) と省スペース サイズの KD Box II は、家庭でのセットアップに最適です。この強力で多用途なデバイスで、コンピューティング能力を高めてください。PSU は付属していません。


  • 高ハッシュレート:高性能モードでは最大 5 TH/s、低電力モードでは最大 3.5 TH/s を実現し、効率的で効果的なデータ処理を実現します。
  • エネルギー効率:高性能モードでは 400 W、低電力モードでは 260 W で動作し、電力使用を最適化して効率を最大限に高めます。
  • 静かな動作:低騒音レベル (≤35dB) に設計されており、家庭やオフィスなどさまざまな環境に適しています。
  • ユーザーフレンドリーなダッシュボード:処理速度と変動をリアルタイムで監視できるため、管理と制御が容易になります。
  • コンパクトなデザイン:スタイリッシュで省スペースなので、家庭での設置に最適です。

用途: KD Box II は、効率性と静音性を重視して計算能力を強化したい方に最適です。高性能で低消費電力のため、個人用にも業務用にも適しています。



Goldshell KD BOX Ⅱ Specifications
Goldshell KD BOX Ⅱ Specifications
KD-Box II Description
KD-Box II Description
This mining device, the Goldshell KD BOX II, is amazing. With its two hash rate modes—the low-power mode at 3.5T±5% and the default mode at 5T±5%—users may balance power consumption and computing power requirements. At 400W±5% in high-power mode and 260W±5% in low-power mode, it uses a comparatively little amount of electricity. It weighs 2.3 kg and is only 198 x 150 x 96 mm, making it easy to move and put. With a noise level of ≤35 dB, it is appropriate for quiet settings. Between 0 and 35°C and a relative humidity of ≤65%, it can function steadily. It is compatible with the Blake2s algorithm for KDA coin mining. All things considered, it's a fantastic choice for consumers that have specific mining needs and high standards for efficiency and environmental tolerance.
Crisp Kadena Miner
The ideal Kadena miner, the KD Box II from reputable manufacturer Goldshell, is optimized for the Kadena algorithm. It uses only 400W of electricity and can hash at a maximum rate of 5Th/s. The KD Box II provides the best mining performance while cooling down immediately thanks to its two high-speed fans.
KD-Box II Description
Crisp Kadena Miner
The typical dimensions of the Goldshell KD Box II are 178 x 150 x 84 mm, and its weight is 2000g. KD Box II requires an atmosphere with a temperature between 0 and 35 °C and a humidity between 0 and 65%. With two high-speed fans and a lower noise level, the KD Box II is an air-cooled miner.
KD-Box II Description
Powerful Digital Processing
Compared to other small devices, the Goldshell KD BOX Ⅱ offers faster processing and improved mining efficiency. It maintains a stable hashrate during extended operation, reducing the risk of fluctuations that can lead to unstable mining returns.
Powerful Digital Processing
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Frequently Asked Questions about Purchasing and usage
What payment method we accept?
lf you would like to place an order via our official website, you can pay directy withcryptocurrency, such as Usdt, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc.
Do I have to pay for my order at the time of placing the order?
Yes, as the price of miner machines would be flustrating everyday, we do recommend customers to settle the payment on time, so that we can lock the goods for you directly.
Where do you ship the goods from?
All the miners are stored in our warehouses in Hong Kong or Shenzhen. We will choose the right shipping location for you according to your requirements.
How long is the warranty?
The warranty period for all our mining machines is 180 days.