Goldshell KA Box Pro (1.6TH/s) Kaspa Miner
Goldshell KA Box Pro
1.6TH/s Kaspa Miner
Goldshell KA Box Pro (1.6TH/s) Kaspa Miner
Goldshell KA Box Pro
1.6TH/s Kaspa Miner

Goldshell KA Box Pro (1.6TH/s) Kaspaマイナー


The market prices are fluctuating rapidly at the moment. Please feel free to consult with our staff before making a purchase, and we will offer you the best possible price.


Goldshellは、KHeavyHashアルゴリズムを使用し、最大ハッシュレート1.6Th/sを達成できるKA Box Proマイニングデバイスを製造しています。消費電力はわずか600Wです。



Goldshell KA BOX PRO Specifications
Goldshell KA BOX PRO Specifications
Goldshell KA Box Pro
Goldshell KA Box Pro
With its small weight of 2000g and dimensions of 178 x 150 x 84mm, the Goldshell KA Box Pro is a portable miner that encourages miners to mine Kaspa while on the road. The Goldshell KA Box, an effective air-cooled ASIC, has two high-speed fans for immediate heat dissipation and to avoid machine overheating. With a noise level of 35 dB, the Goldshell KA Box Pro is a quiet miner that provides a comfortable Kaspa mining experience, in contrast to the majority of air-cooled ASICs.
Modern Kaspa Miner
Goldshell's KA Box Pro, which mines the KHeavyhash algorithm, is a contemporary Kaspa miner that can achieve a maximum hash rate of 1.6Th/s while using just 600W of power. With an outstanding energy efficiency of 375j/Th, KA Box Pro was created to satisfy the changing demands of Kaspa mining enthusiasts.
Goldshell KA Box Pro
Modern Kaspa Miner
The well-known mining gear manufacturer Goldshell just released the KA Box Pro, which has two high-speed fans for effective cooling and rapid heat dissipation. With its small weight of 2200g and low noise level of 55db, the Goldshell KA Box Pro makes it pleasant to mine from any locati0n.
Goldshell KA Box Pro
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What payment method we accept?
lf you would like to place an order via our official website, you can pay directy withcryptocurrency, such as Usdt, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc.
Do I have to pay for my order at the time of placing the order?
Yes, as the price of miner machines would be flustrating everyday, we do recommend customers to settle the payment on time, so that we can lock the goods for you directly.
Where do you ship the goods from?
All the miners are stored in our warehouses in Hong Kong or Shenzhen. We will choose the right shipping location for you according to your requirements.
How long is the warranty?
The warranty period for all our mining machines is 180 days.