Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro (96TH/s) Minero de Bitcoin
Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro (96TH/s) Minero de Bitcoin
Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro (96TH/s) Minero de Bitcoin
Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro (96TH/s) Minero de Bitcoin
Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro (96TH/s) Minero de Bitcoin
Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro (96TH/s) Minero de Bitcoin

Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro (96TH/s) Minero de Bitcoin


The market prices are fluctuating rapidly at the moment. Please feel free to consult with our staff before making a purchase, and we will offer you the best possible price.




El Antminer S19j (96Th) de Bitmain puede minar con el algoritmo SHA-256 a un hashrate máximo de 96Th/s y consume 2832W de electricidad. Puede minar Bitcoin (BTC) y otras monedas del protocolo SHA-256 como BSV, BCH y LTC. El PSU está incluido en el dispositivo, y su cable de alimentación está adaptado a la ubicación del comprador.


Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro 96TH/s
Bitmain Antminer S19j Pro 96TH/s
What Control Board Does Antminer S19 Have?
What Control Board Does Antminer S19 Have?
If you want to utilize custom ASIC firmware on your Bitmain Antminer S19 series miner, you must find out what kind of control board your miner model (or model number) contains. For Ant Miner's S19 series, there are now three different control boards available; the type of control board primarily depends on the ASIC miner's manufacturing date. The most recent models have Amlogic control boards, whereas earlier models included both Xilinx and BB control boards. 1. The control board from Xilinx, often referred to as ZYNQ, features an SD card that faces outward and is simple to insert into the board cover. 2. The SD card slot on the BeagleBone Black, or BB, is concealed beneath the board cover. 3. Amlogic—as of right now. There isn't an SD card. But there will be a Micro SD card port available. Please be aware that the Amlogic control board is not currently supported by any custom ASIC firmware. Checking the SD card reader is the simplest method of identifying the type of control board because each one has a different SD card reader locati0n—or none at all. On the ASIC miner cover of some versions, a control board letter might also be inscribed. Verify again whether the aluminum case has a label. Another option is to try signing into the Antminer Backstage Interface if you are still experiencing issues. Look for information about the control board. The necessary technical specs will be available. You could choose to use straightforward software solutions like NiceHash, MinerGate, or CudoMiner instead of installing bespoke firmware for your S19 miners.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Purchasing and usage
What payment method we accept?
lf you would like to place an order via our official website, you can pay directy withcryptocurrency, such as Usdt, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc.
Do I have to pay for my order at the time of placing the order?
Yes, as the price of miner machines would be flustrating everyday, we do recommend customers to settle the payment on time, so that we can lock the goods for you directly.
Where do you ship the goods from?
All the miners are stored in our warehouses in Hong Kong or Shenzhen. We will choose the right shipping location for you according to your requirements.
How long is the warranty?
The warranty period for all our mining machines is 180 days.